【民間故事】虎姑婆 下集︱Hó͘-ko͘-pô Hā-ch



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【民間故事】虎姑婆 上集︱Hó͘-ko͘-pô Siōng

Lán ê祖先有流傳1 ê傳說,in講天下萬物,m̄管是動物a̍h是植物,只要吸收日月精華,koh經過不斷修行,to̍h會使chiâⁿ做人。


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Chia是1 ê美麗ê城市,市郊有1 ê足大ê公園,公園內底有1 ê大水池--a,1隻鴨á tio̍h tòa tī水池á邊。伊是1隻鴨母,最近tng teh pū卵,無ài人攪擾,見若有人經過水池á邊,hit隻鴨á tio̍h會chông--出-來大聲嚷,beh kâng趕,chhiah-pê-pê,歹chhèng-chhèng,1寡來公園運動ê人,tio̍h kā hit隻鴨á,號做鴨霸母。


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【A郎台語小詞典】 EP. 32-Sak做堆

Sak chò堆,mā有讀做sak chòe堆,chit tè詞tī台日大辭典記載ê意思是,kā新婦á kah in ka-tī ê後生,合房做ang-á-bó͘,m̄-koh tī goán gín-á ê時,社會型態tng-teh ùi農業社會轉變做工商社會,早to̍h無siáⁿ人koh ē飼新婦á,新婦á差不多是goán阿媽hit iân ê tāi-chì,ia̍h to̍h是tī日本時代a̍h是講koh khah進前ê tāi-chì。


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In a great Palace by the sea there once dwelt a very rich old lord, who had neither wife nor children living, only one little granddaughter, whose face he had never seen in all her life. He hated her bitterly, because at her birth his favourite daughter died; and when the old nurse brought him the baby he swore that it might live or die as it liked, but he would never look on its face as long as it lived.


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【英國Gín-á古】金鼻薰Kheh-á下集︱The Gold

But when they came to the King's chamber, where he sate surrounded by all manner of birds, tomtits, wrens, cormorants, turtle-doves, and the like, the King said he was sorry, but he had no news of the missing Castle. And though he summoned all the birds of all the world to a Grand Assembly next morning, not one of them had seen or heard tell of it.


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This time Jack intended to give the three little red men more time for their task; but what with having enjoyed himself so much all day, and having eaten so much good food, he overslept himself, so that the big clock on the tower was whirring before it struck eight when he woke, leapt out of bed, and rushed to the golden snuff-box. But he had forgotten where he had put it, and so the clock had really begun to strike before he found it under his pillow, opened it, and gabbled out his orders. And then you never saw how the three little red men tumbled over each other and yawned and stretched and made haste all at one time, so that Jack thought his life would surely be forfeit. But just as the clock struck its last chime, out rang a peal of merry bells, and there was the Castle standing on twelve golden pillars and a church beside it in the middle of the lake. And the Castle was all decorated for the wedding, and there were crowds and crowds of servants and retainers, all dressed in their Sunday best.


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Once upon a time, and a very good time too, though it was not in my time, nor your time, nor for the matter of that in any one's time, there lived a man and a woman who had one son called Jack, and he was just terribly fond of reading books. He read, and he read, and then, because his parents lived in a lonely house in a lonely forest and he never saw any other folk but his father and his mother, he became quite crazy to go out into the world and see charming princesses and the like.


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唐三藏in師徒4 ê人,一直ùi西pêng行,beh去取經。Chit 1日,行到1片樹林。


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"Good-morning, my beauty," says That. "Come! hand over the flax, sharp, there's a good girl."


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